Tips When Choosing Bathroom Tiles

Bathroom tiles not only decorate a space with attractive patterns and textures, but they also protect walls and floors from moisture damage while making cleaning easy.  Available in a vast array of sizes, colours and shapes—it can be challenging to select the tile that is right for your bathroom. Here are some tips.

Altering Room Dimensions

Consider the room dimensions when picking tile sizes. In a narrow room, use medium to large rectangular shapes, and lay them horizontally. This will create a sideways emphasis that visually widens the room. Conversely, to give the sense of a higher ceiling, lay the tiles vertically to evoke a sense of elevation. On a floor, create a diamond pattern which creates long, diagonal lines across the surface. The elongated lines will make the area seem larger.

Tile Strength And Grip

Water often pools on a bathroom floor, creating a slipping hazard. Tiles have rates for their slip resistance, so install a variety with excellent grip. Tiles also carry ratings for strength and resilience. While some are fit for walls and others for floors, some suit low traffic and others take high traffic. Consider the particular wear and tear that your tiles will endure. 

Porcelain tiles are typically extremely durable and able to withstand indoor and outdoor environments. Ceramic tiles come in different ratings and are usually best reserved for indoor use. Natural stone provides a beautiful and long-lasting surface with regular sealing to render it nonporous. 

Which Shade

To create a sense of warmth in your bathroom decor, go with darker hues, particularly in natural textures. Deeper shades, though, can visually draw walls and floors closer, which may not be ideal in a small space. Glossy, light-reflective surfaces can help to counteract this effect. If your bathroom is compact and you want to evoke spaciousness, go with pale colours that reflect light for a brighter, more airy ambience.  Another option is mid-tone tiles in neutral shades that create a soothing background, allowing other features, such as basins and vanities, to take the limelight. 

Specific Lighting

Remember to bring samples of your preferred tiles home, and notice how they look under the lighting in your particular bathroom, both day and night. In a bright showroom environment amongst a sea of other colours, tiles can appear different. Home samples will also allow you to juxtapose the tiles against other elements, such as the vanity or basin. This way, you can gauge whether all the various colours and textures complement each other. 

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Tips For Successful Home Remodeling There are many reasons to remodel a home, but whether you are doing it to update the look or you are hoping to increase the future sales price of the property, the key to a great remodel is using a contractor. Working with a remodeling contractor involves a need for clear communication, and these blog posts aim to educate you on all facets of remodeling. From asking the right questions of contractors at the quote stage through to determining the order of tasks performed, the more you know about the remodeling process, the better the experience will be. Be sure to read up on this process before you begin altering your home.

